Virtual Reality Games in Sensory Deprivation Tanks

Virtual Reality Games in Sensory Deprivation Tanks

“Abstract—We present a new form of game-playing that takes place among one or more participants, each in a sensory deprivation tank, wearing a waterproof VR headset, for biofeedbackbased virtual interaction. Whereas conventional VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality), and Mediated (“XY”) reality include an axis that spans from reality to virtuality (i.e. with reality as the origin), we build upon the newer multidimensional framework of multimediated reality that has nothingness at the origin (i.e. as facilitated by total sensory deprivation). This sets the stage for a novel class of games that facilitate the suspension of disbelief for the game’s players. Floating in the tank creates a new context for a heightened sense of imaginality in the world of immersive/submersive reality. Specifically, our game involves mediation while singing a steady note, using phenomenologically augmented reality (e.g. seeing sound waves with an augmented reality lock-in amplifier). A VR game that uses the binaural beat brain entrainment technique in computer-mediated/networked sensory deprivation tanks is developed.”